Wednesday 6 August 2008

Integrated Care: Aiming High

�Integrated precaution pilots, announced as part of Health Minister Lord Darzi's Next Stage Review, may advantageously prove to save money for the NHS. But that is not their principal train, the NHS Alliance says.

Integrated care is around better, more effective services and improved patient feel.

That lav only occur, though, if there is clarity about the substantive requirements of integrated maintenance, its objectives and earmark performance measures.

But that clarity has to allow flexibility and local decisions about which of a number of possible models should be adopted in any particular locality.

Now the NHS Alliance has set extinct a proposed framework for the new ICO pilots. Along with goals such as clinical quality and financial answerableness, it recommends:

- Patient and public participation at individual and collective levels so as to insure patient satisfaction and to enhance patient engagement with health improvement measures

- Emphasis on prevention and reduction of ill health

- Collaboration across primary, community and secondary upkeep boundaries, and across health and social care boundaries too

- A requirement that proposals should hatch the whole disease spectrum, so as to avoid cherry pick

- Emphasis on clinical leadership so that clinician involvement from the start can secure successful effectuation.

NHS Alliance chairman Dr Michael Dixon said:

"This is what the NHS should be about. Providing seamless, affected role centred precaution within a defined budget, with measurable clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction."

Integrated care: aiming high follows the recent NHS Alliance publication: Integrated healthcare: from aspiration to implementation. It is uncommitted from the NHS Alliance:


1. The NHS Alliance is a collaboration of clinicians, managers and board members wHO put patients first. It is the independent body that represents NHS primary care. Values based, it is the only system that brings together PCTs with GP practices, clinicians with managers and Board members, and NHS primary care with its patients. The Alliance membership and its hard working national executive is fully multi-professional.

2. The Next Stage Review: our vision for primary and community concern was published by the Department of Health 3rd July 2008. Integrated health care: from aspiration to carrying out was published by the NHS Alliance 9th July 2008.

NHS Alliance

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